Bad Corner
‘Bad corner’. Walthamstow, London E17 PAW week 16/52 D700 + 24mm PC-E © Rudolf Abraham
‘Bad corner’. Walthamstow, London E17 PAW week 16/52 D700 + 24mm PC-E © Rudolf Abraham
4/52 Week 4 of the PAW (photo-a-week) challenge on Tamara watching Peppa Pig earlier in the week D700 + 35/1.4 AIS, 1/250 @f/2 ISO 1600 © Rudolf Abraham. No unauthorized use.
Week 2 of the PAW (photo-a-week) challenge on Flower painted on wall at the corner of Walthamstow Market, London E17, UK I’ve had my eye on this flower for a while. I’d intended to shoot on an overcast (ie typical London) afternoon, but in the end took advantage of the strong backlighting in the …
And so begins the PAW (photo-a-week) challenge on And what is PAW, you ask? Simply a challenge, suggested by Joe McBroom, to post one ‘worthy’ photo a week on the Nikongear forum, for one year. Week 1. Actually, the last thing I expected to post for my first week of PAW, but here we …