Wooden church at Hervartov (Roman Catholic, dedicated to St Francis), near Bardejov, northeast Slovakia. It was built around the end of the 15th century, and (along with several other wooden churches, both Roman Catholic and Greek Catholic, dotted around the the Polish and Ukrainian borders in this part of Slovakia) is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
And a glimpse of the beautifully painted interior…
Shot at high ISO in rapidly fading light (I wasn’t travelling with a tripod, unfortunately); D700 + 24/3.5 PC-E (exterior) or 50/1.4 (interior).
Click here for more images of Slovakia.
Thanks to the Košice Tourist Board for making this particular visit to Hervartov and other wooden churches possible.
Photos © Rudolf Abraham. No unauthorized use.
Nice photos of this beautiful church, Rudolf. it looks a bit like our medieval churches made of wood..
Incredible architecture. Nice captures, fading light notwithstanding. 🙂