A rainy day in Sibiu, Transylvania (2)

Here are a few more photos from lovely Sibiu.

Playing in the fountain on the main square, Piata Mare

Piata Mare from the Council Tower, with the Cindrel Mountains in the distance

Totem #1

Totem #2


A section of the old fortifications on the southeast side of the city centre, near the Powder Tower

Dog chasing cyclist
All photos copyright Rudolf Abraham. No unauthorized use.

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12 years ago

I LOVE THE DOG! They really know how to showcase their city. Very nice and mysterious photos I really see Transylvania through your images.

The Pal Guy
12 years ago

Wow, great photos especially the one from the Council Tower.

Cornel Apostol
12 years ago

I dislike the last photo not for its photographic qualities, but because almost all the time when I’m riding on bike, at least one dog is running after me.